Tag - Waterfalls

Hiking The Jonathan Run Trail in the Fall

When you think of Ohiopyle State Park the two big waterfalls that come to mind are the main Ohiopyle Falls and Cucumber Falls, but if you want to go off the beaten path a little bit and take a hike down Jonathan Run you’ll find some pretty impressive waterfalls and you’ll likely not have the crowds you find at the other...

Spending all day at Blackwater Falls State Park

Our little West Virginia weekend trip continues! Yesterday we were at Seneca Rocks and today we are checking out Blackwater Falls State Park! This is one place we’ve had on our list for a while now so we were excited to explore all that it had to offer. The park is of course named after Blackwater Falls, but we found so much more...

Exploring David Fortier River Park

After leaving our magical Airbnb we were heading back to Pittsburgh and we figured instead of wasting the day we would see what we could find on the way home. Doing some research we found David Fortier River Park, which seemed to be very unique and actually turned out to be! The park has quite a lot from a covered bridge to waterfalls...

Visiting Columbia Park in Ohio

We’ve visited a lot of different waterfalls over the past year and a half, but how about one that empties right into Lake Erie? When researching for an interesting place that was not that far from Pittsburgh I found a not very well-known park called Columbia Park. This park is actually a small dog park, and one of the smallest...

Discover Kilgore Falls in Maryland

Sometimes trips just come out of nowhere and that is how our trip to Kilgore Falls in Maryland happened. We ended up having to travel from Pittsburgh down to Washington, DC and figured lets stop and go on an adventure along the way. After doing some research Kilgore Falls (sometimes called Falling Branch Falls) seemed to be ranked...

Spend All Day at Swallow Falls State Park!

Our next adventure brought us to the state of Maryland. We wanted to see some waterfalls of course, which brought us to Swallow Falls State Park. The park is notable for its stand of old hemlock trees, some are more than 300 years old. The day couldn’t have been more perfect when it came to the weather and sunshine! The water was...

Cascade Park in Ohio

Another 24 hour adventure in the books! This was an exhausting 24 hours for sure this trip but it ended beautifully. I had a couple meetings near Sandusky, Ohio for work which led us to driving all night to the border of Ohio. The trip on the way to Sandusky only took about 3.5 hours avoiding tolls. After completing my meetings, we...