Adventuring at Coopers Rock

The leaves are finally changing and the colors of the hills of West Virginia couldn’t have been more perfect. It’s amazing that Coopers Rock was only about an hour and 20 minutes away. The drive is even beautiful and we couldn’t get enough of the colors changing the deeper we got into the forest. This park isn’t as secluded as the other places we have visited but it was still a great day trip and we got some great photos. Even though we weren’t used to the cold rainy weather yet, it was a fun trip to just spend some time together and take a hike!

We decided to stop at the leading site first called the Main overlook. This area is nice for families and it has a little shop with some pavilions. The path to the overlook is peaceful but was one of the most crowded places we have been. We were surrounded by the students of WVU and the local tourists telling us stories of growing up here. The best part of the this view is the scenic overlooks of the Cheat River in Cheat Canyon. You feel like your on top of the world from this overlook. The overlook area itself was unique due to being surrounded by the rocks and wildlife. We didn’t stay here long due to researching more of a hidden area.

Next stop was the Raven Rock overlook. This overlook is not as accessible as the Main Overlook and parking is very limited. There is a trail called Raven Rock Trail and it’s only a couple minutes down the road. This trail is approximately 2 miles and an extremely rocky hike. We recommend boots or thicker tennis shoes due to the pointy rocks on the trails. It took us about 45 minutes to hike to Raven Rock and it was one of the most unique trails we have traveled due to the uphills and ledges we got to see. We only saw a few people walking this path, which was different from the main overlook. This path was more like a maze and has many different turns and obstacles. Make sure to take caution and take your time.

When getting to Raven’s Rock, you will see towers that are power lines that cross the Cheat River and the site of large boulders. This area features different points that overlook into the canyon. There are several overlooks in this area where you can see opposite sides of the river. It is extremely peaceful and you can see miles and miles away. It was nice to just relax and see the scenery. We didn’t shoot too much up here to respect other couples in the area but we achieved some good shots in this area. Make sure to be careful around these ledges due to no railings and extreme drop offs.

After this overlook, we decided to walk back. The walk back felt longer than walking there. Walking on the rocky path was hard on the both of us but only took about an hour to get back to the car. The entire area was so beautiful and we almost stayed until dark. Make sure to bring plenty of water on this hike due to being so far away from the parking areas and the nearest assistance. The wildlife in this area was remarkable as well and different species of birds filled the area. We could have stayed all day but decided to get out of the woods before the sun went away, which the park closes at this time anyway.

We loved this area and it was worth the day trip! We didn’t go to any of the local restaurants due to closings from the holiday. We actually went to the good ole Olive Garden and enjoyed each other’s time there where we ended our trip. Again, we highly recommend this area for a day trip and it was nice to spend a holiday and see all the families get together on a holiday. I know our lives are always busy, we live in the city, and we are always moving, but it’s nice to just be with each other, take our time, and enjoy the scenery. Make sure to take some time to see Coopers Rock soon since they close during the winter time. We place on revisiting and getting to see all the other attractions soon.

Coopers Rock Photo Gallery